Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Writing Life

... is a difficult one. I am writing almost every day. I am reading every day. I am having no luck generating traffic to either of my blogs. http://thedailywoman.wordpress.com/ and http://hubpages.com/profile/DSteelman

I am sure working as much as I have been and starting the process of my fifteen year old daughter to come back to live with me is a slight interference. My daughter is a priority. And hey, I have to pay the bills.

I always wanted to be a fiction writer. I love crime novels (especially ones about serial killers - John Sanford comes to mind). I love Stephen King and Edgar Allen Poe. Their writing inspired me for years. However, I am finding that I love to write articles even more. My problem is patience. I have none.

I have a writer friend that says I have great ideas. But that I am writing my stream of consciousness. The real writing begins when I step away from the article and then come back to it. Apparently, writing is in the editing. Imagine that.

Tomorrow I will be patient. I am learning it is better to churn out one good article a week then five terrible ones. Quality, not quantity.


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